2009年8月27日 星期四

Movie- book- ambition

To see the movie is because I got the coupon from AVEDA. Last Sunday morning, I went to see the move “Coco before Chanel”. I planed to see the 3D move “Up”, it’s cartoon film. Why I changed my mind. On Saturday, I backed to library and found the book “Necessary Dreams” which talks about ambition in women’s changing lives. The similar topic between the book and the movie is about ambition.
I talked to one of my distributor in France, I have dreamed to have vineyard and he said if we have chance, he would like to invite to his friends’ grapery.
What is dream, what is ambition of my living, my life. Would it come true or just a daydream.
This year, the work also brings me into another adventure, perspective and whole new challenge. There is no time to think to much, just go forward.

2009年2月9日 星期一


小魯旦有了在痞客邦的魯旦窩, 但沒有週記, 不知她這週做了什麼?

上進心有錯嗎? 一定要終其一生在同一個領域嗎? 玩玩, 當個過客, 大家何必那麼認真, 真奇怪!

2009年1月4日 星期日

轉角遇到愛Part I

轉角遇到愛Part II